Sunday, June 28, 2020
FB Gems Sufiyana Pg2
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Ilahi bahaqq e Tajus Shari'ah Rahmatullah Alaih aaqibat e ahlus Sunnah bakhair gardaan!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Monday, June 15, 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
#It has been mentioned in the Hadith: ‘This (my) Ummah will be divided into 73 sects. All of them will go to hell, except one.’ When the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam heard this, they enquired: ‘Who are they, O Prophet of Allah Sallallahu alaihe wasallam?’ The Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam replied: ‘Those who follow my way and the way of my companions’
In other words, the followers of my Sunnah
In another narration, the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam said: ‘They are the Congregation’.
‘The Jama’at’ here, refers to the ‘Sawaad-e-Azam’, meaning the huge Jama’at of true Muslims. The Prophet also mentioned that anyone who separates from the righteous group will be deserving of hell. It is for this reason that this group of devoted followers are known as the ‘Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama’at’.
#There are many misguided and corrupt sects that do not exist in India (or anywhere else) in this day and age, so there is no need and no benefit in discussing those who have ceased to exist.
The corrupt beliefs of those who exist in this day and age will be briefly discussed in the upcoming posts, so that the unsuspecting masses may be protected from their schemes and deceit, for it has been mentioned in the Hadith Shareef:
‘Stay away from them and keep them away from you, so that they may not cause you to be misguided or plunged into corruption.’
•FALSE BELIEF 1: Allah can speak lies". ("Barahine Qaatia" by Khaleel Ambetwi; "Yakrozi" by Ismaeel Dehlwi; "Fatawa Rasheedia" by Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi).
•PROPER BELIEF 1: Lies is a defect which is not worthy of the Zaat of Almighty Allah and is totally Muhaal (Impossible) for Almighty Allah. Allah is free from all shortages and defects thus making lies Muhaal for Almighty Allah.
•FALSE BELIEF 2: To say that Allah is free from place, space, direction and time, etc. is to be misled. ("Izaahul Haq" by Ismaeel Dehlwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 2: Time and space have been created and will be eventually destroyed. Almighty Allah is Qadeem (Always Is and Always Will Be). If one accepts Allah to be in a fixed place and in a fixed time zone, then one will have to accept, Ma'az-Allah, that Allah is a creation and can be destroyed, whereas it is well known that, that which is Haadith (non-Eternal) and can be destroyed can never be Allah. The Being of Allah is Eternal and anything that is non-Eternal cannot be Allah. It is, thus, necessary to accept Almighty Allah to be free from time and place.
•FALSE BELIEF 3: The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had died and is mixed in the sand. ("Taqweeyat-ul Imaan" by Ismaeel Dehlwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 3: It has been stated in the Hadith: "Verily, Almighty Allah has made it Haraam upon the earth to eat the bodies of the Ambiya". It has also been stated that Ambiya are alive and are blessed with Sustenance from Almighty Allah.
•FALSE BELIEF 4: Every creation, no matter how big or small, is equivalent to a cobbler before Allah. ("Taqweeyat-ul Imaan" by Ismaeel Dehlwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 4: The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the most beloved Nabi of Almighty Allah. Almighty Allah took Qasm (Oath) even on the city of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He is the greatest of the creations of Almighty Allah. His every word is accepted in the Court of Allah. He is a perfection in the Attributes of Almighty Allah and Allah has not created any unique being besides Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
•FALSE BELIEF 5: Ambiya are not totally free from lies. To say that it is not possible for Ambiya to lie or to say that they are totally sinless is false. ("Tasfiyatul Aqaa'id" by Qasim Nanothwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 5: Ambiya and Malaa'ikah are Masoom (Sinless). It is Muhaal for them to commit sin. Committing a sin is not a quality of Ambiya. Ambiya are free from all small and big sins and all defects even before and after their Nubuwat.
•FALSE BELIEF 6: The Ummah sometimes supercede the Ambiya in A'maal (Good deeds). ("Tahzeerun Naas" by Qasim Nanotwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 6: A Kaafir can never be equal to a Muslim. An ordinary Muslim is not equal to a practising Muslim. A practising Muslim can never be equal to a non-Aalim, who is not equal to an Aalim. An Aalim is never equal to a Wali, a Wali can never be equal to a Tabbe Taabi'ee. A Tabbe Taabi'ee can never be equal to a Taabi'ee. A Taabi'ee can never be equal to a Sahaba. A Sahaba can never be equal to the Khulafa-e-Arbaa. None from the Khulafa-e-Arbaa can be equal to Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddique. He in turn can never be equal to a Nabi. No Nabi can be equal in any way to the King of Prophets, Muhammad Mustapha (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). How then can a Ummah supercede Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in good deeds? Ma'az-Allah!
•FALSE BELIEF 7: To think of an ox and donkey in Salaah is permissible, but to think of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in Salaah is Shirk (Polytheism). ("Seerate Mustaqeem" by Ismaeel Dehlwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 7: For a Muslim to perform any Ibaadat accepting that it is a noble action of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the true sense of Ibaadat. If one reads Namaaz thinking of it as the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), then, without doubt, one will think of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). This belief creates in the mind of the performer the thought of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Not only is the thought of the Prophet in Namaaz permissible, it is also the demand of Shari'ah that one must remember the Holy Prophet (salall laahu alaihi wasallam) at the time of Tashahud. According to the Fuqaha (Jurists) it is Waajib to believe that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is observing you and that he is aware of your actions.
•FALSE BELIEF 8: Any person who says the Nabi to be Haazir and Naazir is a Kaafir. ("Jawaahirul Quraan" by Ghulaamullah Khan)
•PROPER BELIEF 8: Until and unless we do not accept Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) as being Haazir and Naazir, the concept of Risaalat will be incomplete. Our Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is Shaahid, Mubashir and Nazeer.
•FALSE BELIEF 9: Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is our elder brother and we are his younger brothers. ("Taqweeyatul Imaan" by Ismaeel Dehlwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 9: The Holy Quran has commanded us that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) cannot be regarded as the father of anyone of you. How then can he be regarded as the elder brother? Then, to call him elder brother is disrespect and against of Quranic command. We are the Ummati, he is the Nabi. We are sinners, he is the Masoom most pure. We are believers, he is the source of Imaan. The difference here is enormous. It must be understood, that if the husband takes his wife as his mother, then his Nikah will be nullified. Likewise, if one takes the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) as the elder brother, then one's Imaan will be nullified.
•FALSE BELIEF 10: To respect the Prophet deeply is Kufr. ("Ad Durrun Nadheed" by Qazi Shaukani)
•PROPER BELIEF 10: The respect and reverence of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is not only waajib, but is an obligation upon every Muslim. Unless a person does not love the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) more than anyone and anything in the world, his Imaan will not be perfected. The love of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the first condition of Imaan.
•FALSE BELIEF 11: The grave of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is an idol and to respect it is Kufr and Shirk. ("Ad Durrun Nadheed" by Qazi Shaukani)
•PROPER BELIEF 11: Madinah is more exalted than Makkah; the Roza-e-Anwar more than the Kaaba; and the actual Qabr-e-Anwar is even more exalted than Jannat. The Qabr-e-Anwar is a sign from amongst the signs of Allah and to respect it is a sign of Imaan and Taqwa.
•FALSE BELIEF 12: Any person who says, "As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Rasoolallah", is a Bid'ati and sinner. ("Akhbaar Ahle Hadith Amritsar")
•PROPER BELIEF 12: Bukhari and Muslim narrate on the authority of Hazrat Uthman bin Haneef (radi Allahu anhu) that a Sahabi who was blind by birth was once taught a special Du'a by the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), which he was to recite after every Salaah. The Du'a is as follows: "O Allah, i ask from you, and turn towards you through the Wasila of Your Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), who is indeed a prophet of mercy. O Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)! with your Wasila, I turn towarsds Allah for my need so that it may be bestowed. O Allah, accept the Prophet's intercession for me".
To say "Ya Nabi" and call to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), and to send salutations upon him, is the Sunnah of Almighty Allah, the Angels, the Prophets and the Sahaaba-e-Kiraam. Almighty Allah has commanded us to send salutations upon the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in abundance. To send Durood at least once in one's life is Fard and in Namaaz it is Waajib. It is also Waajib to send salutations out of Namaaz, for the fist time the name of the Prophet is mentioned. Even if the name is mentioned continuously, then to send salutations is Sunnah.
•FALSE BELIEF 13: To ask assistance from the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the work of Shaitaan and Shirk. ("Kashfush Shubhaat" by Abdul Wahab Najdi; "Taqweeyatul Imaan" by Ismaeel Dehlwi)
a)"Ya Rasoolallahi Unzur Haalana, Ya Habeeballahi Isma Qaalana, Innani fir Bahri Hammim Mughriqun, Khuz Yaddi Sahhil lanaa Ishkaalana", has been the Wazeefa of the great predecessors and is accepted as a means of asking from the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). To seek assistance from the Prophet (salall laahu alaihi wasallam) and seek Wasila of Awliya and Saaliheen is permissable.
•FALSE BELIEF 14: To use the Ambiya, Awliya and Malaa'ikah as a means of Wasila (Mediation). ("Tohfa-e-Wahaabiya" by Ismaeel Dehlwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 14: We did not enter this world without means, and we will not leave this world without means. With the exception of the verse of the Quran commanding mediation, the following verses of Sheikh Bouseeri and Sheikh Saadi (radi Allahu anhuma) are always in the Du'as of Muslims: "Ya Rabbi bil Mustapha Baligh Maqasidana, Waghfirlana Ma Madaa Ya Waasi al Karami", and "Ilahi bahaqe bani Fathima, ke Barqaul Imaan Qunni Khatima, Agar Daawatam rad Kunni War Qabool, Manno Dast Damaane Aale Rasool".
•FALSE BELIEF 15: Anyone who accepts the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to be an intercessor for him on the Day of Qiyamah, is a Mushrik equal to Abu Jahl. ("Taqweeyatul Imaan")
•PROPER BELIEF 15: When the intercession of a Hafizul Quran, according to the Hadith Shareef, and of an Aalim ba Amal is accepted, then why not that of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)? On the Day of Qiyamah, the doors of intercession will be opened by none other than the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). It is also very rewarding to recite Durood-e-Taaj.
•FALSE BELIEF 16: "Rahmatul Lil Alameen" (Mercy unto the Worlds) is not a special title of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), but the Ummati are also "Rahmatul Lil Alameen". ("Fatawa Rasheedia")
•PROPER BELIEF 16: "Rahmatul Lil Alameen" is the unique quality of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) as stated in the Holy Quran.
•FALSE BELIEF 17: To say that if Allah and His Rasool wills, then only will a certain thing happen, is Shirk.
•PROPER BELIEF 17: That which Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) wants, is what Allah wills. Almighty Allah will not will anything without the pleasure of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
•FALSE BELIEF 18: Those persons whose names are "Muhammad" or "Ali" have no control over anything. ("Taqweeyatul Imaan")
•PROPER BELIEF 18: Almighty Allah has blessed the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) with the keys to the treasures of both the worlds and Hazrat Ali's (radi Allahu anhu) name is the means of assistance in problems, why then can they not have any control?
•FALSE BELIEF 19: To keep the names: Rasool Baksh, Nabi Baksh, Abdun Nabi, Abdul Mustapha, Abdur Rasool, Abdul Ali, Ghulam Nabi, Ghulam Mustapha, Ghulam Nabi, Ghulam Husain, Ghulam Muhiyyudeen and Ghulam Mu'eenudeen, or to like such names, is Shirk. ("Taqweeyatul Imaan")
•PROPER BELIEF 19: All these names are allowed and are very exalted and blessed names.
•FALSE BELIEF 20: The knowledge of the Prophet is like children and animals. The knowledge of Shaitaan is more than the Prophet. To say that the Prophet possessed 'Ilm-e-Ghayb or Knowledge of the Unseen, is Shirk. ("Hifzul Imaan" by Ashraf Ali Thanwi; "Barahine Qaatia"; "Fatawa Rasheedia")
•PROPER BELIEF 20: The meaning of the word "Nabi" alone is "one who knows and shows the Unseen". What position does the knowledge of an ordinary person hold in front of that of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)? It is even less than a drop in front of an ocean or a grain of dust compared to all the sand in the world. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has been blessed with all the knowledge by Almighty Allah.
•FALSE BELIEF 21: If Allah wills, then he may create a million Muhammads. ("Taqweeyatul Imaan") A Prophet can even come after Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). ("Tahzeerun Naas")
•PROPER BELIEF 21: The doors of Prophethood have been sealed. Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the Seal of Prophethood. The Prophet also said that no Prophet shall come after him. Any person who claims Nabuwat after the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is a Liar, Dajjal Kazaab and a Shaitaan.
•FALSE BELIEF 22: To commemorate the Meelad is like commemorating the function of the Hindu deity. ("Baharine Qaatia" by Khaleel Ambethwi)
•PROPER BELIEF 22: Meelad is a means of gaining blessings and closeness to Almighty Allah. It is the practice of all the great predecessors. Many sources of Shari'ah are available to prove it's authencity.
•FALSE BELIEF 23: The illusion of illusionists are greater than the Miracle of Prophets. ("Mansab-e-Imaamat")
•PROPER BELIEF 23: The Miracles of Prophets are to show proof of their Prophethood and it is that which is from Allah, whereas the illusions of illusionists are from Shaitaan.
•FALSE BELIEF 24: Anyone who says the Sahaba to be Kaafirs is not out of the Sunnah Jamaat. ("Fatawa Rasheedia")
•PROPER BELIEF 24: By one calling an ordinary Muslim a Kaafir, he himself becomes a Kaafir. How then can those who call the Sahaba Kaafirs not be Kaafirs?
•FALSE BELIEF 25: To call oneself "Qaaderi", "Chishti", "Naqshabandi", etc. is Bid'at and words of Kufr. ("Tazkeerul Ikhwaan")
•PROPER BELIEF 25: To call oneself by these titles are totally allowed and is a means of recognition of ones spiritual order. Examples of these are: Siddiqi, Alawi, Uthmaani, Farooqi, Hanafi Shafa'i, etc.
•FALSE BELIEF 26: To put lights, carpets, to give water and food, or arrange Wudhu water at the Mazaar of Awliyah Allah are Shirk.
•PROPER BELIEF 26: If carry out all the above mentioned practices at other places are permissible, then it should be a means of blessing to do so at the Darbaar of Wali where there are a gathering of Muslims.
•FALSE BELIEF 27: To eat and drink the Tabarukaat (Niyaz) of the Saints causes the heart to die (spiritually). ("Fatawa Rasheedia")
•PROPER BELIEF 27: Eating the Niyaz of the Awliya brightens the heart and one's life and is a means of great blessing.
•FALSE BELIEF 28: To call the Prophet "Shafi'ul Muznibeen", to recite Khatam, to imagine the blessed face and the Tomb of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), to think that he has authority - all these qualities, even with the granting of Allah Ta'ala - is all Shirk, so much like the Shirk of Abu Jahl. (Kitaabut-Tauheed by Ibne Abdul Wahab Najdi)
•PROPER BELIEF 28: According to authentic sources of Islamic Shari'ah, to belief that Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is interceder, mercy, authority, helpful, and to imagine his blessed face and Tomb with respect, is regarded as a great and rewarding action. To recite Khatam Shareef is also permissable and rewarding as well. A person who denies this, his belief is like Abu Jahl.
Note: To believe all these above mentioned false "Islamic" beliefs makes a person a hypocrite, Shia, Rafazi, Khaarijite, Qadiani, Ghair-Muqallid (Ahle Hadith), Tabligi, Deobandi, Maudoodi, Tahiri, Ahle Quran (People of Quran), etc. which are totally out of Islam. Any person who falsely claims to be the true Mahdi is misguided and a Faasiq. Any person who says that Allah can lie, that the Prophet's (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) knowledge are like those of animals, that the Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is not the Final Messenger, that the swearing of the Sahaba does not make one a criminal, that the Prophet's knowledge is less than Shaitaan, etc. IS A KAAFIR (totally out of the folds of Islam). We should not perform Salaah or associate with such persons as their companionship is detrimental to our Imaan.
•FALSE BELIEF 29:1857 Jung e Azadi Me Musalmano Ke Khilaf JIhad Karne Wala British Agent Barre Sagir Ka Pahela Wahabi Molvi IsmailDahevi Kaheta Hai "Musalmano Par Farz Hai Ke Wo British Hukumat Par Aanch Na Aane De"
📘(Hawala: Hayat e Taiyyaba , Shah Esmail Shahiid...Page, 296)
*FB1-60 aur inn fitnaun ke khilaaf Alahazrat AlehiRehmah ki TAJDEED-WA-AHAY AA-E-DEEN Ke Liye Tanha Ilmi aur Qalmi Jihaad Kiya Jo darj e zail hain:
1) Fitna-e-Ghair Muqallidyat
2) Fitna-e-Nechiryat
3) Fitna-e-Najdiyat Wa Wahabiyat
4) Fitna-e-Firqa-e-Ahl-e-Quran
5) Fitna-e-Qadyaniyat
6) Fitna-e-Darul-Nadwah
7) Fitna-e-Falsafa-e-Qadeemah
8) Fitna-e-Waqoo'e-Kijb-e-Baari-e-Ta'aala
9) Fitna-e-Inkaar-e-Shafa'at
10) Fitna-e-Rawaafiz
11) Fitna-e-Motazila
12) Fitna-e-Falsafa-e-Jadeedah
13) Fitnah-e-Inkaar-e-Simaa-e-Mouta
14) Fitna-e-Khilafat-e-Usmaani
15) Fitna-e-Inkaar-e-Khatam-e-Nubuwwat
16) Fitna-e-Khaaksaari Firqa
17) Fitna-e-Tark Qurbani Gaaay
18) Fitna-e-Jawaz Sajda-e-Taazeemi
19) Fitna-e-Adme Jawaaz Meelad-o-Qayam-e-Tazeemi
20) Fitna-e-Inkaar Meraj-e-Jismani
21) Fitna-e-Tark-e-Mawalaat
22) Fitna-e-Aariya Samaj( Shuddhi Karan)
23) Fitnaittihad Anil Mushrikeen
24) Fitna Adme Jawaaz Tazeem Aasaare Muqaddisa
25) Fitna Adm Jawaz Kitabat Bar Kafan
26) Fitna e Touheen Hazrat Ameer Mu'aaviyah RadiAllahanhu
27) Fitna Hukm Darul Harb
28) Fitna Inkar-e-ilm-e-Ghaib-e-Ambiya Wa Auliya
29) Fitna Inkar-e-Hayat-e-Ambiya
30) Fitna Jawaz Taziya Daari 31) Fitna Jawaz Sima Ma Mazameer
32) fitna Bar Azaan-e-saani
33) Fitna Inkaar Azaan-e-Qabr
34) Fitna Adme Jawaz Mu'aaniqa Wa Musafaha-e-Eid
35) Fitna Adme Jawaz Tameerat-e-Mazaraat-e-Auliaa
36) Fitna Adme Jawaz Taqbeel-e-Ab'hameen
37) Fitna Inkar-e-Eimaan Abwen Kareemen Al Nabi
38) Fitna Jawaz Zakaat Bara-e-sadaat-e-Kiraam
39) Fitna Adme Jawaz Chiraghan Bar Mazarat-e-Suwaliheen
40) Fitna Hillat-e-Ashya Nasha Aawar
41) Fitna Hillat-e-Akul Zaagh
42) Masla-e-Qirtaas Daraahim
43) Fitna-e-Masawaat Anin Nabi
44) Fitna-e-Harkat-e-Zameen
45) Fitna Khurooj-e-Nisaa Baraye Ziyarat-e-Quboor
46) Fitna imkaan-e-Zil-e-Nabi
47) Fitna Salaat Janazatul Ghayeb
48) Fitna Nikah Maa Murtadeen
49) Fitna Adme Jawaz Ta'ayyun-e-Fatiha
50) fitna Tanqees-e-Risalat
51) Fitna Adme Aitaqaad Ikhtiyaraat-e-Ambiya Wa Auliya
52) fitna Nifaaz-e-Shirk Dar Baab-e-Nida Wa Istighasa
53) Fitna Nifaaze Shirk Fil Asmaa
54) Fitna-e-Hurmat Akul Rusar
55) Fitna Hurmat Money Order
56) Fitna Khilafat Committee
57) Fitna Tanaza-e-Dar Ruwet-e-Hilal
58) Fitna Farq-e-Bayyan Shariat Wa Tareeqat
59) Fitna Akul Ashya Haram Anil Zabeeha
60) Fitna Hurmat-e-Zabeeha Lil-Auliya
* Kis Tarah Itne Ilm📚 Ke Darya Baha Diye,
Olma-e-Haq Ki Aql To Hairaan Hai Aaj Bhi..
* Sub Inse Jalne Waalon Ke Gul Ho Gaye
Chiragh, Ahmed Raza Ki Shama Firozaan Hai aaj bhi...
FB30: False Beliefs of Minhajis :
a) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq Radi'allahu Ta'ala Anhu Mahez Siyasi (Politics ) Khalifa The Rohani Khalifa Nahi The.(Al'Saiful Zali Safa No.9)
b) JO Jama'at Mai Bana Raha Hun Wo Mahez Ahlesunnat Ki Jama'at Nahi Hogi Balke Shiya, Sunni Sabhi shamil Honge Hathta K Aqlitu'n
Ko b Party Me Munasib Jagah Di jayegi. ( Jang Lahore 25 / May 1989 )
c) Humare Najdik Shiya Sunni Me Koi Imtiyaz ( Farq ) Nahi.
( Chataan Lahore 4 / 19 April 1986 ) Maaz'Allah Maaz'Allah
Belief: Based in accordance with the manner of Nabuiwat, The Khilaafat-e-Raashida remained intact for 30 years, upto the era of Hazrat Imam Hassan’s radiallaho taala anho Khilaafat, which lasted for 6 months. Then, the Khilaafat of Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz radiallaho taala anho represented the Khilaafat-e-Raashida and towards the end of time, the Khilaafat of Hazrat Imam Mahdi radiallaho taala anho will be regarded as Khilaafate-Raashida. The first Sultan (Muslim Emperor) in the history of Islam was Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho. This has even been indicated in the Taurat as follows:
‘The Final Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam will be born in Makkah, he will migrate to Madinah and his Kingdom will be in Syria’
This shows that the empire of Hazrat Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho is actually the Kingdom of the Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam. It has been narrated that once Hazrat Imam Hassan radiallaho taala anho was in the battle against Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho and had a massive army to fight with him, which would have allowed him victory but in spite of his strong position, he laid down his arms and announced his allegiance to Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho. The Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam had already foretold this in his lifetime on earth. He said:
‘This son of mine is a Sayyid. I am confident that Almighty Allah will bring two huge warring groups of Muslims together (in peace), through him (Imam Hassan)’.
In spite of these clear indications and suggestive references, if some people still belittle Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho then such people are not really true in their devotion to Imam Hassan radiallaho taala anho and they are in fact insulting Hazrat Imam Hassan radiallaho taala anho. They are also not sincere in their devotion to Allah and His Rasool Sallallaho alaihe wasallam. Their accusations against Ameer Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho are accusations against Allah and His Rasool Sallallaho alaihe wasallam.
@FB32: There are some ignorant persons who say that when taking Hazrat Ali’s radiallaho taala anho name with the name of Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho we should not say ‘Radi Allahu anho’.
#TB32:This is baseless. The Ulama have said that we should say ‘Radi Allahu anho’ with the names of all the Sahaba-e-Kiraam.
@TB33: Belief: Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah radiallaho taala anho was a Mujtahid (One who has been blessed with special authority with regards to the Religious Affairs).
There is a narration of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Ab’bas radiallaho taala anho reported in Sahih Bukhari which says, ‘A Mujtahid does virtuous deeds and can also make an error.’
These errors (inaccuracies) are of two types: Inaadi (with ill intent): These are inaccuracies which are pre-meditated and with ill intent. Inaccuracies of this type are not possible for a Mujtahid. Khata-e-Ijtihaadi (inaccuracies committed without motive in Managing Affairs): These are not pre-meditated. If a Mujtahid is liable for such inaccuracies then they are not held accountable for this in the Court of Allah. If one looks at this in a worldly perspective, then too there are 2 types:
Muqarar: These are inaccuracies which do not cause any dispute in Deen. Those who make such mistakes are pardoned. An example of this is reciting Surah Faateha in Namaaz whilst following the Imam in congregational prayer.
Munkariyah: These are such Ijtihadi inaccuracies which could be the cause of disunity. The issue between Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah and Hazrat Ali رضى الله تعالى عنهما was of this type. The decision of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam was evident in this case and none was held in contempt.
@TB34:Belief: The Sahaba-e-Kiraam are neither Ambia عليهم السلام nor are they Angels and are thus not Maasum. Some of them had certain mishaps but to hold them in contempt because of this is against the command of Allah and His Rasool Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. When addressing the companions in the Holy Qur’an, Almighty Allah addressed them in two categories, i.e. those before the Great Victory at Makkah and those after the Great Victory at Makkah (Fateh Makkah). Almighty Allah says:
“And to all of them, Allah has promised a heavenly reward”
[Surah 57, Verse 10]
And Almighty Allah says
“And Allah Knows well what you do.”
[Surah 57, Verse 10]
The fact that Allah is aware of all their actions and He has promised Jannat to them without any reckoning, does not give anyone the right to say anything against the Sahaba-e-Kiraam. Do those who speak against the companions want to establish a manner different from that which Allah has ordained.
@TB35: All the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam are Jannatis. They will not even come close to experiencing the intense heat of Jahanum. They will always live in happiness and comfort. The frightening situation on the day of reckoning will cause them no grief or sadness. The Angels will welcome them, giving them glad tidings that this was the day that has been promised to them. All this has been explained in the Holy Qur’an in detail.
#TB36:Law: To discuss the issues or disagreements that took place between the Sahaba-e-Kiraam is absolutely and totally Haraam (forbidden). All Muslims need to do, is to accept that they are all the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam and his true followers who were always willing to sacrifice their lives in his love.
#TB37: Belief: To think ill of any Sahabi is a sign of being a bud-madhab and a misguided person. Such a person is deserving of the fire of hell. To think ill of a Sahabi is to harbor ill feelings against the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. Those who do this are Raafdis, even if he accepts the Khulafa-e-Raashideen and claims to be a Sunni. To insult Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah, his father Hazrat Abu Sufyaan and his mother Hazrat Hind is not acceptable. Similarly, it is disallowed to speak ill of Hazrat Amr ibn A’as, Hazrat Mughira, Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari or even Hazrat Wahshi who martyred Hazrat Sayyidush Shuhada
Hazrat Ameer-e-Hamza radiallaho taala anho before he (Hazrat Wahshi) accepted Islam. It must also be noted that after accepting Islam, Hazrat Wahshi radiallaho taala anho killed one of the Daj’jaals Musailama Kaz’zab who falsely claimed to be a Prophet. He used to sadly say that he had martyred one of the best amongst the people (before accepting Islam) and he (would happily say) that he had killed the worst amongst people. To disrespect anyone of these companions is sinful and an act deserving of punishment, even though it may not be as severe as disrespecting Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar رضى الله تعالى عنهما . To slander them and to reject their Khilaafat is regarded by the learned Fuqaha (Jurists) as kufr.
#TB37:All the companions رضى الله تعالى عنهما of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam are virtuous and just people. We should always address them with the utmost respect and dignity as to do so is Fard upon us.
Belief: After the Khulafa-e-Raashideen, the greatest status is afforded to the Ashara Mubashara (the ten persons to whom the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam gave glad tidings of Jannat whilst they were still in this world), and Hazrat Imam Hassan and Hussain, The Ashaab-e-Badr (the companions who partook in the battle of Badr), the Ashaab Baitur Ridwaan (those who took the oath of allegiance at the hands of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam under the tree). All of them are Jannati without a doubt.
#TB39: continued....Imamat...
Belief: Superior, as mentioned in the above sense, means that they have greater status in the Court of Allah. It also means that their virtuous deeds and rewards are abundant. It has been mentioned in the Hadith Shareef, with regards to the companions of Hazrat Imam Mahdi that there is a reward of 50 for every one deed that they perform. The companions asked the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam if it was equal to 50
of their deeds or 50 of the deeds of the Sahaba of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. He said that it was equal to 50 of the deeds of the Sahaba-e-Kiraam رضى الله تعالى عنهما . Even though their rewards are many but they can never come close in excellence to the Sahaba-e-Kiraam of Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam.
#TB40: Continued....Imamat...
Belief: After all the Nabis and Rasools, the greatest excellence
in Allah’s creation amongst all the humans, Jins and Angels, has been afforded to Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, followed by Hazrat Umar-e- Farooq, Hazrat Uthman-e-Ghani and thereafter Maula Ali رضى الله تعالى عنهما. Anyone who considers Hazrat Ali radiallaho taala anho as being more superior to the other 3 Khulafa is misguided and a deviant.
#TB41: Continued....Imamat...
Belief: After the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam, the First Righteous Khalifa is Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, followed by Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq, then Hazrat Uthman-e-Ghani, then Hazrat Ali-e-Murtuza and finally Hazrat Imam Hassan who ruled for six months رضى الله تعالى عنهما . These personalities are known as the ‘Khulafa-e-Raashideen’ and their Khilaafat is known as the ‘Khilaafat-e-Raashida’. Every one of them fulfilled their responsibilities and discharged their duties as true representatives of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam to the best of their abilities and with complete devotion.
@TB42: continued....Imamat...
Law: The Imam should be a person who is an Aalim. He should be a courageous person or one who is assisted by the Ulama.
Law: The leadership (Imamat) of a woman or a Na-Baaligh (one who has not reached puberty) is disallowed. If the preceding Imam has appointed a Na-Baaligh as the Imam, then the people should appoint a guardian to carry out the duties until such time that he reaches puberty. The Na-Baaligh will only be an honorary Imam. The actual Imam for this duration will be the appointed Guardian.
Law: To follow the Imam (Khalifa) is absolutely Fard upon all Muslims. However, this is on condition that his commands are in accordance with the Shariah. To follow anyone who commands anything contrary to the Shariah is disallowed.
#TB44: continued...Imamat...
Law: One being worthy of appointment as an Imam is not sufficient. It is necessary that he must be appointed by the preceding Imam or those Muslims that are appointed to handle the religious affairs of the people.
continued: Imamat....
Every Muslim is obligated to follow them and adhere to their
commands. However, there are certain preconditions for a person to be appointed as the leader. The Imam must be a free person, i.e. not a slave, he must be sane, an adult, i.e. one who has reached puberty, he must be capable and he must be Qarshi as well, meaning that he should have connection to the Quraish. To be Alawi or to be Maasum is not a condition. This condition is one that is stipulated by the Raafdis (Shias), as they do not agree with the other conditions. They insist on the Imam being Hashmi, Alawi and Maasum. Their aim in doing so is to discredit and nullify the positions of the other three Khulafa, namely Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Uthman رضى الله تعالى عنهما because these Khulafa were not from the families and lineage mentioned above. It must be noted that their Khilaafat has been unanimously accepted by all the Blessed Sahaba رضى الله تعالى عنهما. Hazrat Maula Ali radiallaho taala anho and Imam Hussain radiallaho taala anho also accepted the Khilaafat of the other 3 Khulafa. As for the condition of being from the lineage of Hazrat Ali (Alawi), then this will also exclude Hazrat Ali radiallaho taala anho and even his Khilaafat will be regarded as invalid according to them, since it is not possible for Hazrat Ali radiallaho taala anho to be an Alawi, as this refers to his descendants. The Raafdis also believe that the Imam must be Maasum. This too is unacceptable just as we have already
explained that only the Ambia عليهم السلام and Angels are Maasum.
continued: Imamat....
Imamat (Religious Leadership) is of 2 categories. ‘Sughra’ and ‘Kubra’. Imamat-e-Sughra refers to the Imamat in Namaaz. Imamat-e-Kubra refers to leading the Muslims in Religious and worldly issues as the True Representative of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. The authority that has been bestowed to the Imams (in the sense of Imamat-e-Kubra) is very
dominant. The people do not even have the right to disobey their
The Wahabis use the term bid’at in abundance. They brand almost everything as bid’at (innovation). I thus feel that it is very important to explain the true meaning of the term bid’at. That bid’at which is an evil innovation and which is against the Sunnah is Makruh and Haraam.
As for any innovation which is of benefit to religion, then this is
sometimes in the category of being Mustahab (desirable), sometimes Sunnat and even to the degree of being regarded in the category of being Waajib (compulsory) to act upon.
Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq radiallaho taala anho says as follows concerning Taraweeh, "This is a good innovation"
Even though Taraweeh is Sunnat-e-Mu’akkadah, it has been regarded as being a good innovation (to perform it in the congregation).
That which is proven in some way through the Shariah can never be an evil innovation. If everything has to be regarded as bid’at, then even the Wahabis madrassas, lectures and gatherings should all be branded as bid’at.
Why don’t they stop these practices? They brand all those blessed things which are related to the beloved servants of Allah, as being bid’at, yet if it has to do with them then they regard it Halaal and Sunnat. Such hypocrisy!
corrupt beliefs of ghair muqallideens...continued....
They even slander the great Imams of the Madhabs. The reality is that they too make Taqleed. They are definitely the followers (Muqallids) of shaitaan. These people refute the concept of Qiyaas (Religious Discretion) and to completely reject Qiyaas, is kufr.
They also refute Taqleed and one who rejects Taqleed in totality is a kaafir.
#TB46: The Ghair Muqallids are also a branch of the Wahabis. They refuse to adhere to the established and recognized doctrines of Islam. Their views are very close to the views of the ‘Deobandis’, who are also a new corrupt group.
It is for this reason that the Ghair Muqallids do not accept the Deobandis as a kaafir since they both are used to uttering words of shirk. The law of Shariah is very clear, that all those who doubt the kufr or punishment of a kaafir are themselves kaafir.
The Ghair Muqallids do not accept the 4 schools of thought in Fiqh and have thus innovated a path different from the true path. They say that to make Taqleed (follow one of the 4 righteous Imams of Fiqh) is Haraam and bid’at.
#TB47: continued..the corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect...
Analysis of there belief..
Look at how these Wahabis have branded Muslims to be worse than Hindus and Shias, just because they commemorate the Birth of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam and remember the Awliyah and convey blessings to their deceased.
Their beliefs have no bearing to Islam. They charge others with kufr and shirk for many things, yet when they have any such stipulations; it is not regarded as kufr and shirk.
This is hypocrisy of the highest degree. Beloved Muslim Brothers! That which has been mentioned above is only a few of the heretic beliefs of the Wahabis. There are numerous other corrupt and blasphemous beliefs of the Wahabis which show their enmity to the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam in many of their other books.
We beseech Allah to protect us from them and from all the other
corrupt and deviant sects. Aameen.
@FB48: continued..the corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect...
A common practice of the Wahabis is to shun the practices of the Muslims by branding these practices as shirk, whereas they have been permitted by Allah and His Rasool Sallallahu alaihe wasallam.
They brand Meelad Shareef, Standing for Salaam, Esaal-e-Sawaab, visiting the graves of the Awliyah and the Blessed Grave of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam, making Faateha and 40 days etc. as shirk.
It is in the book Barahin-e-Qaatiya that the repeated hosting of the Meelad of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam is similar to the Hindus who repeatedly host the prayer of ‘Kanhaya’ (a Hindu deity) and to the Shias who repeatedly observe the day of martyrdom at Karbala.
Allah Forbid! They have equated the Commemoration and Remembrance of the Birth of the Beloved Rasool Sallallahu alaihe wasallam to the celebration hosted by unbelievers in remembrance of their false deity.
continued..the corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect...
In another book, Hifz ul Imaan, its author Ashraf Ali Thanvi says on page 7, that if knowledge of the unseen which is possessed by the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam is partial then there is no uniqueness in this, since all insane people, little children and animals possess such knowledge.
Dear Brothers, Think for a moment about what he has said. He has no conscious and does not feel any remorse in equating the knowledge of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam to that of children, insane people, and animals.
Can any Muslim still have doubt in the author of Hifz ul Imaan and his followers being disbelievers?
continued..the corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect...
It is on page 51 of Barahin-e-Qaatiya that the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam does not even have knowledge of that which is behind a wall. The author quotes this and then falsely attributes this statement to Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehlwi Rahmatullah taala alaihe.
He further mentions that the vast knowledge of shaitaan and the Angel of death are evident from the Qur’an and there is no such source that authenticates the vastness of the Prophet’s knowledge.
He thus claims that to accept such knowledge for the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam without evidence is shirk. The author of this book is prepared to give preference to the knowledge of shaitaan over the knowledge of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam.
He accepts it for shaitaan but says that it amounts to polytheism if accepted for the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam.
In other words, he has actually associated shaitaan as a partner to Allah, and he believes that this is established from Qur’an and
Hadith. Undoubtedly, these servants of the shaitaan have no qualms in making shaitaan a partner to the Almighty.
Every Muslim should look with the eyes of Imaan, how the author has tried to establish that the knowledge of shaitaan the cursed is more than the knowledge possessed by Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. Has he not really regarded it as being more and has he not really associated shaitaan as a partner to Allah?
He has definitely accepted this and not only has he accepted it but he has also tried to establish it as being true from Qur’an.
All 3 of these beliefs are undoubtedly kufr and there is no doubt that the one acknowledging it is an infidel. Which Muslim is there that can doubt the infidelity of such a person?
continued..the corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect...
One of the characteristics of the followers of the Wahabi sect is that they attempt to invalidate and falsify everything that reflects the excellence and purity of those who have been afforded special closeness and the special favour of Allah. They are bent on finding faults and shortcomings that can prove to be an effective tool in their hands to defame and condemn the men of true knowledge. They even refute the knowledge of the unseen which has been bestowed upon the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam.
continued..the corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect...
It is on page 2 of Tahzeerun Naas, the view of the ordinary people regarding the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam being Khaatamun Nabiyeen, is in the sense that he is the Final Messenger in the lengthy chain of Prophets. However, the well informed (knowledgeable) people definitely know that being Khaatamun Nabiyeen has no untouchable seal to it. It only shows the end of an era. It does not in any way show or determines a special level of excellence or elevation.
If one goes by this view, then the divine mention of this verse will be regarded in its true context:
“But indeed, he is the Prophet of Allah and the seal of the Prophets”
[Surah 33, Verse 40]
Here the malicious author has tried to establish that Khaatamun Nabiyeen only denotes the end of an era. He says that it has no significance with the pious people, as they know that it is not a unique station.
The author here has attempted to refute the words of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam who himself has explained it to mean final Messenger. This is a unique attribute which has been blessed to him by Almighty Allah. This is evident from numerous Ahadith.
However, the author out of his lack of consideration has tried to identify the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam with the common people and has omitted him from the category of the men of knowledge and wisdom.
It is on page 16 of the same book that even if it is assumed that
another Nabi had to appear in his era or thereafter, it will not in any way negate the finality of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. He further says that even if one assumes that if another Nabi had to come on this earth or in some other domain, it will still not interfere with the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam being the final Messenger. The ruling in regards to the corrupt beliefs of the author is evident from the decrees mentioned in ‘Husaam ul Haramain’ as decreed by the then great and learned Ulama of Haramain Sharifain.
Even he has mentioned on page 46 of his book, regarding the condition of his Islam being a namesake. Allah protect us from those who are only Muslim by name.
On page 5 of the same book, it has been mentioned that: The fact that the Ambia عليهم السلام are superior to their Ummah is only
in (the context) of knowledge. As for the issue of deeds (actions), then in this the Ummati occasionally appear to be equal and sometimes even supersede the Prophets.
The author of this book has also tried to establish that the Nabuiwat of the Prophet is Qadeem whilst the Nabuiwat of the other Ambia عليهم السلام is Haadith. He states on page 7 of his book that the distinction between Qadeem Nabuiwat and Haadith Nabuiwat, despite the union of characteristics can only then be properly applicable.
Is there really anything else with the exception of the Zaat (Divine Self) of Allah and His Sifaat (Divine Attributes) that are Qadeem (uncreated)?
It must be noted that Nabuiwat is a quality and it is impossible for the quality to exist without the one that it represents. (In view of his statement) If the Nabuiwat of Huzoor Sallallahu alaihe wasallam is Qadeem, i.e. uncreated, then it would necessarily mean that Huzoor Sallallahu alaihe wasallam is also not Haadith (creation), and thereby would mean that Huzoor Sallallahu alaihe wasallam is Azali (meaning he always existed and is uncreated), and according to the consensus of the Muslims, it is regarded as kufr to believe in anything else except Allah and His Divine Attributes to be Qadeem.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued...
They also refute the fact that the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam is Khaatamun Nabiyeen (The Final Messenger). To deny that Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam is the Final Messenger is clear infidelity without any doubt.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued...
One of their corrupt beliefs is that Almighty Allah has the ability to lie (Allah forbid). One of their leaders has given a decree that Waqu-e-Kizb means pardon for all those who referred to Allah as a liar and such people can no longer be condemned. This is such a blasphemous decree. He says that even though someone calls Allah a liar, they should be pardoned and still regarded as Muslims.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued...
On page 22 of Taqwiyatul Imaan, it is said that anyone who’s name is Muhammad or Ali has no power or right over anything. This is very astonishing because the Wahabis too have a right over their belongings and yet they say that Hazrat Muhammad sallallaho alaihe wasallam who is the most beloved to Allah has no power or right over anything.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued...
On page 7 of Taqwiyatul Imaan, he says, ‘Allah Saaheb has not afforded anyone the power to ordain anything.’ In other words, he is saying that Almighty Allah has not given anyone on earth the power to cause anything to happen. This clearly refutes the miracles of the Prophets and the Karaamat of the Awliyah Allah. Almighty Allah says:
“Then plan to accomplish the commands (of Allah)” [Surah 79, Verse 5]
Is the author not explicitly refuting the above mentioned verse of
the Holy Qur’an?
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued.
In the same book, he says that if one is asked about how many leaves are on a tree, or how many stars etc. are in the sky, then one should not say that Allah and His Rasool Sallallaho alaihe wasallam know because only Allah has the knowledge of the unseen (Ilm-e-Ghaib) and not the Holy Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued..
On page 8 of Taqwiyatul Imaan, its author says that even the idol worshippers in the time of the Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam did not equate their idols to Allah. What they really did was that they called out to them in their times of need and they made offerings to them expecting to attain some favour. He then says that it is for this reason that anyone who considers any servant of Allah as an intercessor or a mediator between Allah and the servants is equal in shirk to Abu Jahl. What he is really saying is that if anyone accepts and believes that the beloved Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam is our mediator and intercessor in the Court of Allah then (Allah Forbid), such a person is a polytheist similar to Abu Jahl.
NOTE: This, statement, not only condemns the intercession of the Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam but it also condemns all the companions, the Great Imams, the Awliyah Allah and all the Muslims as mushriks like Abu Jahl. (Allah Forbid).
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued..
On page 11 of Taqwiyatul Imaan, a saying of the Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam is quoted wherein it is said, ‘Respect this jungle for it is in the (sacred Haram) and do not hunt any animals therein and do not fell the trees in its boundary for it is a place sacred for worshipping Allah.’ After quoting this narration, he says, ‘To show respect to the jungles around the houses of Prophets or ghosts is shirk, even though one thinks that he is worthy of respect or to think that Allah will be pleased by you affording them respect is also shirk (polytheism).’
There are numerous Ahadith which prove that the Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam said, ‘Ibrahim made Makkah the Haram and I have made Madinah a Haram, therefore do not cut down the Acacia trees and do not hunt the wild animals in its vicinity.’
Dear Muslim Brothers (and Sisters)! Look with the eyes of Imaan and see how this mischievous author has distorted the facts? He has leveled such a terrible accusation against the Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect..continued..
It is on page 10 of Taqwiyatul Imaan that, ‘To increase or decrease one's sustenance, to bless with good or bad health, to give one respect, to fulfill one's desires, to get rid of evils and calamities and to remove one from hardships is only under the authority of Allah. No Prophet, Awliyah, devilish creature or fairy has any authority in this regard.’ Anyone who calls out to anyone other than Allah in time of need is a mushrik, even if he feels that the one whom he is calling out to, is able to assist him by himself or through the Will of Allah. It is shirk (polytheism) either way.’
Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
“Allah and His Rasool enriched them with His bounties”
[Surah 9, Verse74]
Here, the Holy Qur’an is announcing that the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam has blessed people to be enriched with wealth, whereas the author of the corrupt book says that one who believes anyone to have such authority over such things is a mushrik, so according to him the Holy Qur’an is propagating polytheism.
The Holy Qur’an announces:
(O Esa!) “And you cure the those born blind, and the leper by My Command” [Surah 5, Verse 110]
Referring to Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam, it is mentioned as follows in another verse of the Holy Qur’an:
“And I cure those born blind, and the leper; and I bring the dead back to life through the Command (permission) of Allah.” [Surah 3, Verse 49]
This is the injunction of the Qur’an and yet the Wahabis say that none other can give good health (with or without the command of Allah). They claim that anyone who believes that someone has been given any such authority is a polytheist. Almighty Allah has mentioned this kind of authority for Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam, so the Wahabis must now say what declaration is there in this regard. According to them, even if this authority is afforded to him by Allah Alaihe salam, it is still polytheism and thus I cannot understand what their definition of Islam is.
corrupt beliefs of Wahabis..continued....
On page 95 of Siraat-e-Mustaqeem under the verse: "Some (types) of darkness is deeper than the other"
(In other words, some sinful actions are worse than others) He then says, ‘It is better to think of sexual intercourse with your wife than thinking of adultery. Similarly, it is better to engross yourself in the thought of your ox or donkey, rather than thinking of your Peer (Murshid) or any other pious person, even though it may be the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam.’
Dear Brothers! This is the statement of the leader of the Wahabis regarding Huzoor Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. Any person with even the least bit of Imaan in his heart, which is even less than a mustard seed will be able to see this and will definitely acknowledge that there is blasphemy in it.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect...continued...
It is as follows on page 19 of Taqwiyatul Imaan, ‘Since Almighty Allah alone is our Creator, we should only ask him for help in all our affairs, just as a man after becoming a servant of a King only turns to him and not to another King, What then has to be said about (taking help from) any ‘chamar’ (low cast person).’ Can any person who claims to be a Muslim use such a derogatory term towards the Ambia-e-Kiraam and Awliyah-e-Izaam?
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect....continued...
It is on pages 35 and 36 of Izaa ul Haq (published by Farooqi Publications) ‘It is an evil innovation to say that Allah is free from time, space and place, and having faith in the reality of seeing him directly (i.e. being blessed with His Divine Vision). One who holds such a belief is a sinner and an innovator.’ The author of this book says that to believe that Allah is free from place, time or space is wrong and we the Ahle Sunnat believe that Allah is free from time, place or space. In this statement, the author has branded the entire Ahle Sunnat and its leaders as Bid’atis (innovators) and sinners. It is in Bahrur Ra’iq, Durr-e-Mukhtar, and Fatawa Alamgiri that any person who considers a place for Allah (i.e. confines Allah to limits of
time or place) is a kaafir.
The writer of Bahare Shariyat Huzoor sadrus sharia Rahmatullah taala says.... (follow in the next posts)
My Dear Muslim Brothers! Take careful heed to what I am about to say and weigh it on the scale of Imaan, for there is nothing more valuable to a believer than his Imaan. Another name for Imaan is the love for Allah and His Rasool Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. The one who attains more excellence in his faith is the one with the highest status. If a person has no Imaan then he has no value amongst Muslims, even if he claims to be a great Aalim, Zaahid or one who has divorced himself from the splendours of this world. Do not regard them
your leaders merely because they are Aalims, Molvis, and Faazils, if they are the enemy of Allah and His Rasool Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. Do you not find learned scholars
amongst the Jews, Christians and Hindus etc.? Will you accept them as your leaders? Definitely not! How then can these irreligious and corrupt people be your leaders?
Corrupt beliefs of Wahabi sect..continues...
On page 45 of Taqwiyatul Imaan, he quotes the Hadith which explains that close to Qiyaamat a sweet breeze will blow, causing all the Muslims to pass away. After quoting this Hadith, he says, ‘It has happened just as the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu alaihe wasallam prophesized and this wind has already blown.’
In other words, he believes that there are no Muslims now left on earth. So ignorant is he, that he has also included himself and his followers in this as well, meaning that according to him, he too is an unbeliever. These Wahabis are bent on insulting Almighty Allah and his Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. This is their main objective. In their bid to find faults, they always take a sceptical and disdainful view of everything.
Corrupt beliefs of the Wahabi sect....continued...
The Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam further said that the army of shaitaan will emerge from Najd. 1200 years have since passed and this group has now emerged in Najd. Hazrat Allama Shaami Rahmatullah referred to this group as the
Kharijis’. The son of Abdul Wahab wrote a book called ‘Kitaabut Tauheed’.
This book was later translated into Urdu by Isma’eel Dehlwi of India. He called the book, ‘Taqwiyatul Imaan’. It is Isma’eel Dehlwi who was the one responsible for spreading Wahabism in India (which later spread throughout the globe). One of the core beliefs of this sect is that anyone who does not conform to their way is a kaafir and mushrik. It is for this reason that they label the Muslims throughout the world as unbelievers and whenever they have the chance, they can be heard mentioning the words kufr and ‘shirk’.
Corrupt Beliefs of the Wahabi Sect.......
Compared to the other sects, the Wahabi sect is a new sect, which was formed in 1209 Hijri. The founder of this sect was Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi, who unleashed a reign of terror and corruption in Arabia, especially targeting Makkah Shareef and Madinah Shareef.
He mercilessly killed many Ulama and demolished and dug up many Mazaars of the Sahaba-e-Kiraam, Ulama, and Shuhada. (Allah Forbid) He referred to the Blessed Rauda-e-Anwar of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam as ‘Sanam al Akbar’, in other words, ‘The biggest Idol’.
He spread immense cruelty and corruption, just as it was mentioned in a Hadith of the Prophet where he mentioned that fitna will spread from Najd (today is known as Riyadh).
#continued..corrupt beliefs of the raafdhi sect...
They also believe that, sometimes Almighty Allah gives a command and then later finds out that it is not appropriate, so He then regrets giving this command. To hold such a corrupt belief is definitely kufr, as such a corrupt belief claims that Allah is unaware (Allah forbid).
Another one of their corrupt beliefs is that Allah is the Creator of
all good and the people are the creators of mischievous and evil
deeds. The majoosis believed in two Gods, ‘Yazdan’ who they called the creator of good and ‘Aharman’ the creator of evil, but these corrupt Raafdis by believing in the existence of millions of Gods have even left the majoosis far behind.
#continued..corrupt beliefs of the raafdhi sect...
Some other fundamental beliefs of this sect are as follows:
They believe in ‘Aslah’, in other words, that Almighty Allah is
compelled to do that which is best for his servants.
They believe that the Great Imams are more superior in status than the Prophets. This is absolutely contrary to the Shariah and the consensus in this regards is that it is kufr to regard any non-Nabi to be more superior to a Nabi.
3. They also believe that the Holy Qur’an is not preserved in its
original sense. They say that some Parts, Surahs, verses, and words of the Holy Qur’an were removed by Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Uthman-e-Ghani radiallaho taala anho and other companions, thus leaving the Qur’an incomplete. What is surprising is that, in view of their statement, even Hazrat Ali radiallaho taala anho did not do anything about this and he too left it incomplete. It must be noted that even this belief is unanimously agreed upon as being kufr because it is to directly reject the Holy Qur’an.
#continued..corrupt beliefs of the raafdi sect...
It must also be noted that the beloved Prophet gave 2 of his
beloved daughters in the Nikah of Hazrat Uthman Zul Noorain radiallaho taala anho one after the other.
Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihe wasallam also married the daughters of both Hazrat Abu Bakr radiallaho taala anho and Hazrat Umar radiallaho taala anho.
All the above clearly indicates the closeness of the first 3
companions to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. After knowing of their closeness to the Prophet who in his right sense of mind would dare to slander and insult these beloved companions of the Beloved Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam? Can one who believes really use such cursed words for those blessed with such special closeness to Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihe wasallam?
Absolutely Not! Absolutely Not!
#continued..corrupt beliefs of the raafdi sect....
They hold the ‘Khulafa-e-Thalaatha’, i.e. the 3 Khulafa; Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq and Hazrat Uthman-e-Ghani Radiallaho taala anhuma in contempt. They believe that these 3 companions illegally usurped the Khilaafat from Hazrat Ali Radiallaho taala anho who remained silent and continued to praise them, due to fear for them and because he used the device of ‘Taqiyya’ deception. It is completely unacceptable and an insult, to brand a brave and courageous person such as Sayyiduna Ali Radiallaho taala anho as a coward and frightened person. Is it possible that Hazrat Ali Radiallaho taala anho took the oath of allegiance out of fear at
the hands of those who were (Allah Forbid) kaafirs and munafiqs, and remained silent about this all his life? Is this the quality of the ‘Lion of Allah’? The Holy Qur’an affords these Companions of the Prophet Sallallaho alaihe wasallam with great excellence. The Holy Qur’an mentions in regards to them and those who follows them that, ‘They are pleased
with Allah and Allah is pleased with them’. Could Allah hold them in such excellence if they were unbelievers and hypocrites? Never! If this were true, it would be a shame that Hazrat Ali Radiallaho taala anho gave his beloved daughter in the Nikah of Hazrat Umar Radiallaho taala anho. This corrupt sect tries to justify this by saying that Hazrat Ali Radiallaho taala anho made Taqiyya, i.e. he used deception when allowing his daughter to marry Hazrat Umar Radiallaho taala anho. Is it possible for a person to intentionally give his daughter in the Nikah of someone, who is regarded as an unbeliever? It can never be accepted that an exalted companion like Hazrat Ali Radiallaho taala anho would use the vice of deception, whilst giving his daughter in the marriage of someone he recognized as an unbeliever? It is extremely unfortunate and sad to make such derogatory remarks about those who struggled throughout their lives for the sake of Islam and who ultimately sacrificed their lives for this cause. Even the Holy Qur’an, whilst referring to the gallant services of these devoted companions, announces:
“And they will fear not the admonishment of those who admonish” [Surah 5, Verse 54]
#corrupt beliefs of the raafdi sect.....
If anyone wishes to examine their corrupt beliefs in detail, he should peruse ‘Tuhfa Ithna Ashariyah’.
A few of their corrupt beliefs will be presented here.
This sect openly slanders the companions (Sahaba) of the
Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam. Actually, with the exception of a few, they refer to all other companions of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam as a kaafir and munafiq (Allah forbid).
#TB:The difference of opinion of the Ulama is on this condition that the slaughter should be in accordance with the conditions of Zibah, meaning that all the necessary vessels should be severed and that the Zibah must be made only and only in the Name of Allah. Even the Zabiha of a Muslim will not be regarded as being Halaal if he does not adhere to the proper conditions of Islamic Zibah. How then will the Zabiha of the Christians be considered as Halaal?
A'la Hazrat Rahmatullah alaihe quoted his personal experience as follows: ‘In Zil-Qadah, 1295 A.H. I saw a ram on board the ship which belonged to a Christian from Samur. He was selling the ram for 40 Rupees. I desired to eat meat and thus requested to purchase the animal in cash. He refused to sell the animal to me but said that I should purchase the meat after Zibah. When slaughtering, he stabbed the knife through one side of the neck not even allowing the required vessels to be severed. I then said that this meat was now as bad as swine and was not good enough for our consumption.’
[Fatawa Razviyah, Vol. 8, page 331]
#continued...corrupt beliefs of Qadianis...
He also again attempts to prove that all the miracles of Esa Alaihe salam were due to the magical pond. How many other corrupt beliefs and statements of the dajjal Qadiani can we present to you, whereas there are so many more. Those who are true Muslims can clearly see how this accursed person has attacked the station of such an exalted Prophet, who has been given such great excellence in the Holy Qur’an. I am amazed at those unsuspecting people who are falling prey to his deceit and are blindly following him, still regarding him as being a Muslim.
I am even more astonished by those who claim to be intellectuals, yet they are blindly following him into the crater of hell. Can any true Muslim ever doubt that such a person is out of the fold of Islam, and a kaafir and murtad (apostate)? By Allah! Never!
The ruling of the Shariah regarding such a person and the one who after knowing his infidelity still regards him a Muslim is: ‘The one who doubts the punishment or infidelity of such a person, will himself become an infidel’
#continued...corrupt beliefs of Qadianis...
He further states that Esa Alaihe salam had 4 brothers and 2 sisters and all of them were his own blood brothers and sisters. He said (Allah Forbid) that they were children of Hazrat Yusuf Alaihe salam and Bibi Maryam. Like all
his other corrupt beliefs, this too is no less corrupt.
He also claimed in his book Anjaam Atham that Esa Alaihe salam did not have the ability to perform any miracles. He says in the same book that in those days there was a pond which had miraculous powers and all miracles that occurred at the time, were related to this (so-called) pond. He further says that the only power Esa Alaihe salam had was that of deceiving the people (Allah Forbid). He further states in Izala’e
Awham that the miracles performed by Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam are only misconceptions and if one leaves out the tales that are usually mentioned as miracles, then one will find that all his miracles were not true and that no miracle performed by any other Prophet is doubted as much as those performed by him.
#continued...the corrupt beliefs of Qadianis..
(20). He says, ‘He had a very close relationship to a tribe of drifters. This was probably because of his ancestral relationship to that tribe. Otherwise, there was no other reason for a pious man like him to permit a young gypsy female to apply perfume purchased from her illegitimate earnings of adultery, to his head with her impure hands and to rub her hair against his legs. Understanding people will realise from this, what kind of a person this was.’
The above mentioned are only some of the derogatory statements of Mirza. He has used many other derogatory and vulgar words with regards to Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam. He referred to him as being malicious, shrewd and vulgar. He also referred to him as a liar, a thief, a cheat and dim-witted etc. In his attempt to discredit Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam he did not leave any stone unturned. He writes sarcastically, ‘Even his larger family are very pure and chaste. 3 of his paternal grandmothers and 3 of his maternal grandmothers were adulteresses and of bad character from whose blood he was born.’
It must be noted that here Mirza says paternal grandmothers,
whereas Esa Alaihe salam was born without a father. In this statement, he is rejecting the word of the Holy Qur’an that Esa Alaihe salam was born without a father.
#continued....corrupt beliefs of Qadiyanis...
(18). ‘What I said earlier about Esa Alaihe salam was only out of gentleness and kindness, otherwise the possibility exists of there being many pious people in his era who were far more superior to him.’ [Daafi’ul Bala pg 3]
(19). He says, ‘The Messiahs piety was in no way better than the piety of other righteous ones in his era. When compared to Esa, Yahya appears to be more pious because he never consumed any wine in his lifetime, nor did any immoral woman ever touch Yahya in order to apply perfume to his head, which she had purchased through her illegitimate earnings, or touched his body with her hand or hair. Unlike Esa, Yahya was never served by any young female who was not related to him. This is why in the Holy Qur’an Allah has referred to Yahya as ‘Husoor’ and he did not use such a name for Esa because such incidents disallow him from being afforded such a name.’ [Daafi’ul Bala pg 4]
continued...corrupt beliefs of Qadiyanis....
(15). He says, ‘O where shall I go to lament, that 3 of his (Esa Alaihe salam) prophecies were proven to be completely incorrect.’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 13]
The above-mentioned statement completely rejects the Prophethood of Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam.
(16). He contradicts himself by saying, ‘It is impossible for the
prophecies of the Prophets to be halted.’ [Kashti-e-Nuh pg 5]
(17). ‘I fully accept that the Messiah (Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam) was a very pious personality in comparison to others in his era. I cannot, however, accept him as being a true ‘Munji’ (liberated person), for he was not born in Arabia.’ [Daafi’ul Bala pg 3]
#continued..corrupt beliefs of Qadiyanis...
(11). He says, ‘The Christian claim that he is God, whereas, in actual fact, even his Nabuiwat cannot be confirmed’. [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 14]
(12). ‘Sometimes Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam used to have shaitaani inspirations as well.’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 14]
O Muslims! Are you aware of those that receive shaitaani
inspirations? The Holy Qur’an announces:
“They come down upon every extremely deceitful, rebellious sinner.” [Surah 26, Verse 222]
He tried to direct this verse towards Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam
(13). He says, ‘Most of his (Esa Alaihe salam ) predictions and prophecies were incorrect.’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 14]
(14). He says, ‘I must regretfully admit that the accusations of the Jews against him are so convincing that I too am unable to defend him (Esa Alaihe salam ).’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 13]
#continued...corrupt beliefs of Qadianis...
(10). He says, ‘The Jews have such strong objections against the Nabuiwat of Esa Alaihe salam and there is not much that even I can say to clarify it. The only thing that I can say is that he is a Prophet because the Qur’an says that he is a Prophet. With the exception of this, there is no other Proof of his Nabuiwat. Rather, there are numerous proofs which can be used to differ his Nabuiwat.’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 13]
Important Note: It must be noted that in the abovementioned
statement, Mirza has supported the corrupt theory of the Jews and at the same time claiming that the Qur’an preaches that which can be nullified by way of evidence and argument. (Allah Forbid)
#continued....corrupt beliefs of Qadianis...
(7). ‘As per his covenant, Allah has power over everything but he
cannot bring back to earth a person who has already caused enough destruction.’ [Daafi’ul ul Bala pg 15]
(8). ‘Maryam’s son is in no way better than Kaushalya’s son (the
Hindus Ram).’ [Anjaam Aatham pg 41]
(9). ‘I swear by him in whose control is my life, that if Esa the son of Maryam were in my time, then he would not have been able to
converse in the way that I do, and he would definitely not have been able to demonstrate the signs which I show.’ [Kashti-e-Nuh pg 56]
#Continued..corrupt believes of Qadianis...
(4). ‘Allah has informed me that the ‘Masih-e-Muhammadi’ is more exalted than the ‘Masih-e-Musawi’.’ [Kashti pg 20]
(5). ‘Almighty Allah says that He will create an equal to the Messiah, who will not only be equal, but who will supersede him in every way. This will be Ghulam Ahmed.’
He says: ‘Abandon the remembrance of the son of Maryam.
Better than him is Ghulam Ahmad Pathan‘
That which has been mentioned above is not merely a poetic stanza but it is the fact. It is my experience that the support of Allah is more with me than with the son of Maryam. If this does not prove to be true then I am a liar.’ [Daafi’ul ul Bala pg 20]
#Continued..the corrupt believes of Qadiyanis.......
Let us now examine some of the blasphemous statements he uttered in particular against Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam:
(1). ‘O Christian missionaries. Do not say that ‘Esa Alaihe salam (Jesus) is our Lord, for there is one amongst you (referring to himself) who is greater than Esa.’ [Me’yaar pg 13]
(2). ‘Almighty Allah has sent in the present Ummah a Messiah who supersedes the past Messiah on glory and grace and named him Ghulam-e-Ahmed. This is to suggest that the Messiah of the Christians is inferior in status and cannot even compare to a slave of Ahmad, so far as his ability to intercede and access to Allah is concerned.’ [Me’yaar, pg 13/14]
(3). ‘The example of Musa is better than Musa himself and the
example of the son of Maryam is better than the son of Maryam
himself.’ [Kashti pg 13]
#COntinued (corrupt belief of Qadiani's)...
(9). He claims that the incident in the Qur’an relating to the miracle of Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihe salam and the 4 birds is also an outcome of mesmerism. [Izala’e-Awham pg 553]
(10). He says, “in the time of a certain King, 400 Prophets predicted his victory but they were all wrong as he lost the battle and thus died on that battlefield.” [Izala’e-Awham pg 629]
(11). He says, “The Qur’an consists of vulgar and abusive language and its tone is very harsh.:” [Izala’e-Awham pg 26-28]
(12). He claims that his, ‘Barahine Ahmadiya’ is the book of Allah. [Izala’e-Awham pg 533]
(13). He says, Neither Esa Alaihe salam nor Musa Alaihe salam were true and perfect guides. [Arba’een vol. 2 pg 13]
(5) The cursed Ghulam Ahmed falsely claims that Allah says:
O, Ghulam Ahmed, you are like my offspring and I am from you and you are from me [Daafi’ul Bala, pg 6]
(6). He says, “The Prophet’s Ilhaam (Divine Inspiration) and Wahi (Divine Revelation) proved to be false.” [Izala’e-Awham pg 688]
(7). He claims that ‘Hazrat Musa’s Alaihe salam predictions did not come true as he had wished and expected them to.’ [Izala’e-Awham]. His aim of saying this was to try and demonstrate that most of the predictions of Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam were even more unsuccessful.
(8). He claims that the verse in Surah Baqara which mentions the
incident of the dead person who was brought back to life after being struck with a piece of beef, was only used by Hazrat Musa Alaihe salam to create unnecessary fear (i.e. a threat) and it was actually a form of mesmerism. [Izala’e Awham pg 775]
# Continued....
Not only did Mirza Ghulam Ahmed falsify and reject the word of one Prophet but also he claimed to be more superior to a Prophet. There is no doubt in such a person and his followers being kaafir. Anyone who doubts their kufr will himself become a kaafir. Some of the kufr statements made by him are as follows:
(1). He says that ‘In the Barahine Ahmadiya, Allah has described this humble servant as Ummati and also as Nabi’. [Izala’e-Awham pg 533]
(2). He claims that Allah has said, ‘O Ahmed your name will appear even before my name’. [Anjaam Aatham pg 52]
(3). He claims that Allah has said, ‘O Ahmed! Glad tidings, you are my desire and you are with me’. [Anjaam Aatham pg 55]
(4). The evil Qadiani also attributed to himself, verses which are
revealed in regards to the beloved Prophet .
“And We sent you not, but as Mercy unto the all the worlds”
[Surah 21, Verse 107]
“And giving glad tidings of that Prophet who will appear after me.
His name is Ahmad” [Surah 61, Verse 6]
He claimed that the above verses of the Holy Qur’an are referring to him. (Allah Forbid) [Anjaam Aatham pg 78]
#The Corrupt Beliefs of the Qadiani Sect
Qadiani refers to those who follow Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani is the founder of this sect. He claimed to be a Prophet and uttered blasphemy against the Ambia-e-Kiraam عليهم السلام, particularly against Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam and his respected, chaste, pure and truthful mother, Bibi Maryam. He has made such insolent statements against Hazrat Esa Alaihe salam and Bibi Maryam that listening to it will cause the heart of the Muslims to shudder.
*Belief: Any person who is not a Nabi but falsely claims to be a Nabi can never make anything to occur which is contrary to its natural happening, in order to support his false claim, otherwise there would be no distinction between truth and falsehood. Beneficial note: The miracles performed by a Nabi before Nabuiwat is called “Irhas” (premonition). The miraculous action performed by a Wali (saintly personality) is called Karaamat (supernatural ability). When such a miraculous action is evident from an ordinary believer, it is called “Ma’unat”. The abnormal things performed by transgressors and unbelievers in accordance with what they say, it is called “Istidraj” (deception). If this occurrence is contrary to what they say, it is called “Ihaanat” (offence).
The Wahabis use the term bid’at in abundance. They brand almost everything as bid’at (innovation). I thus feel that it is very important to explain the true meaning of the term bid’at. That bid’at which is an evil innovation and which is against the Sunnah is Makruh and Haraam.
As for any innovation which is of benefit to religion, then this is
sometimes in the category of being Mustahab (desirable), sometimes Sunnat and even to the degree of being regarded in the category of being Waajib (compulsory) to act upon.
Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq radiallaho taala anho says as follows concerning Taraweeh, "This is a good innovation"
Even though Taraweeh is Sunnat-e-Mu’akkadah, it has been regarded as being a good innovation (to perform it in the congregation).
That which is proven in some way through the Shariah can never be an evil innovation. If everything has to be regarded as bid’at, then even the Wahabis madrassas, lectures and gatherings should all be branded as bid’at.
Why don’t they stop these practices? They brand all those blessed things which are related to the beloved servants of Allah, as being bid’at, yet if it has to do with them then they regard it Halaal and Sunnat. Such hypocrisy!